Rudi Van Reusel


Rudi started in 1991 in the Telecoms sector and worked in ICT for 32 years as a payroll employee. During those years he worked for well known companies like ATEA, Siemens, COLT-Telecom, GET, Nokia-Siemens and Telenet, and this in both national and international environments.

As Rudi always wants to understand the business from different angles, he deliberately went for absorbing business knowledge via a broad range of functions: marketing, technical support, business management, project- and program management, operations, people management, also including close links to finances and introduction to new working methods (e.g. agile).

In 2023, after more than 10 years at his latest employer, he decided to start as a freelancer, giving himself a new challenge and a refreshing start.

As he gained a broad expertise over those years, he decided to offer consultancy services to help and support companies to improve their way of working, adapting processes or working out new ideas from concept to implementation. The broad range of services he can support are: PMO management, Project- and Program Management, People Management, Operations Management & Support, Organization improvements, change management, Interim Business Management. 

For Rudi's full profile, please have a look at